Discover True Rejuvenation and more Inner Harmony:

Nurturing Inner Harmony with Blissitude Yoga for Sensitive Women

What Do I Mean by Sensitive?

Sensitive women may have some or all of these:

  • introspective and reflective
  • need plenty of downtime/alone time
  • may struggle with anxiety or feeling overwhelmed
  • may feel out of place in society, experience emotions deeply and with greater complexity
  • may be on the spectrum
  • extremely empathetic
  • You hear “don't take things personally” (a lot)
  • freeze under pressure
  • at home inside your head
  • seek meaning and purpose
  • problem solver
  • notice what others miss
  • emotional sponges
  • low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, or feelings of not being good enough
  • sensitive to pain and can be susceptible to “energy” or autoimmune disorders

Does this sound like you?

😴 Tired of Feeling Drained?
Do you find yourself perpetually exhausted, even with a gallon of coffee in hand? Or even after sleeping a full night’s sleep?

🔄 Caught in an Energy Rollercoaster?
Does life feel like a never-ending cycle of needing a break, yet returning to the same overwhelm and frustration?

🎭 Hyperaware of Others' Emotions?
Is the constant emotional rollercoaster of others leaving you emotionally drained?

🔁 Stuck in the Loop of Overdoing?
Despite taking action, do you find that things aren't really changing, and you're still feeling overwhelmed?

🤯 Trapped in Overthinking?
Are you caught in the maze of overanalysis, negative thought loops, or unexplained anxiety?

If any of these resonate with you, know that you're not alone. I've been there. There's hope for a more energized, peaceful, and harmonious life.

Introducing: Nurturing Inner Harmony

Rejuvenate your energy, manage energy drains, and create serene spaces for peaceful reflection.

Embrace tailored self-care practices, navigate life's chaos with therapeutic yoga practices, and connect with a like-minded tribe who celebrates your sensitive and/or introverted nature.

It's time to learn to source energy from within-stop searching outside yourself, tune into peace that abides within, and embark on a journey of rejuvenation and self-discovery.

Start to rejuvenate your energy, find serenity, and build resilience with "Blissitude Yogas: Nurturing Inner Harmony" 3-month Beta Intro Program. We will work together and collaborate with short sessions to help you start building up more peace, learning to nurture ourselves from within and start accepting ourselves just as we are.

Don't miss out since there are only 6 spots available.

Sign up before spaces are gone.

Join my Beta 1:1 Small Group Coaching Program

Program Starts August

Hi!! My name is Nancy Nurmi. I want you to know that I have walked in your shoes and have experienced firsthand the challenges you face. Like you, I have felt tired of feeling tired, trapped in the cycle of low energy, felt so disconnected from myself(sounds weird but it is exactly how I felt), and I just wanted some f'n peace in my life.

Healing is a multifaceted journey that cannot be rushed or solved by a quick fix. But I want to offer you hope because I have found ways to break free from the cycle of feeling exhausted-- having spent most of my weekends "catching up on sleep" or vegging out all weekend watching endless TV, being super introverted or sensitive and hiding away, playing games on my phone, or doing what I thought was going to help reset myself.

Together, we will learn to appreciate and embrace our imperfectly perfect selves through the practice of Therapeutic Yoga. True yoga is about rejuvenation, which requires surrender and relaxation to tap into our inner wellspring of peace, vitality and love.

Through sacred practices of rest, meditations, journaling, and self-reflection, we will start to cultivate a deep sense of rejuvenation. (Yoga is more than just yoga poses and no yoga is not exercise.🙃). We will learn to listen to our bodies, honor our boundaries, and tap into our inner wellspring of peace and vitality. It's time to let go of the need for perfection and busyness and embrace the process of letting go, healing and growth. Allowing things to be as they are.

I am here to guide you on this transformative path, offering my knowledge, experience--over 35 years of deep work(which is now a way of life for me), and my unwavering support. Let us embark on this journey of self-discovery, self-care and self-acceptance and experience the true essence of Therapeutic Yoga.

Join me in experiencing Blissitude Yoga, where we embrace the imperfectly perfect beings that we are and learn to surrender, relax, and rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and souls.




  • Find a greater sense of calm and have more energy.
  • Feel more in tune with yourself and safe to be you.
  • Learn to release emotions in a healthy way, make yourself feel more stable & OK with what is.
  • Accept your imperfections and learn to show yourself love, care and compassion.
  • Learn the art of pausing and resting, so you feel more refreshed and rejuvenated & able to be with life as it is.


  • Struggling to manage daily stress & always feeling worn out by life's demands.
  • Feeling lost and disconnected from yourself. Feeling frazzled.
  • Frequently feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and not knowing how to handle them.
  • Criticizing/judging yourself for not being enough/perfect and finding it tough to show yourself kindness.
  • Having a hard time finding moments to relax and recharge, leading to being tired of being tired.


A 12-Week Beta Program

Module 1: Rooting in Mental Rest (6 Weeks)

Weeks 1-6:

Creating Your Anchor
Establish your intention for the journey ahead and create a foundation of inner stability.

Grounding and Centering Practices
Discover grounding techniques to find stability in the midst of life's fluctuations.

Journaling for Self-Discovery
Unveil insights as you journal your thoughts, emotions, and dreams.

Mindful Awareness Practices
Learn to be present and tune into your inner world with mindfulness exercises.

Embracing Mindless Activities
Explore the art of letting go and finding solace in simple, mindless activities.

The Power of Pausing
Practice the art of pausing to regain your energy and recharge your spirit.

Module 2: Physical Rest and Self-Compassion (6 Weeks)

Week 7-12

Sleep Care Practices
Discover the art of sleep hygiene and create a sanctuary for restful nights.

Active Rest – Non Doing Yoga
Explore rejuvenating practices that nurture your body and release tension.

Relaxation and Resting Techniques
Learn relaxation techniques that foster deep rest and rejuvenation.

Taking Physical Breaks
Prioritize breaks throughout the day to restore your energy and vitality.

Cultivating Self-Compassion
Practice self-compassion to embrace imperfections and offer yourself kindness.

A Journey to Inner Harmony
Experience the culmination of your journey, embracing a state of blissitude harmony within.

(Since this is a Beta Course the outline above may change depending on all the lovely ladies who sign up and their needs).

💥 Here's what's in store for you:

✨ Rejuvenate your energy and say goodbye to that tired-of-being-tired feeling and hello to learning: to source energy from within yourself, manage energy drains, and and to rinse and repeat when you need it.

✨ Embrace self-care practices tailored to your sensitive, introverted nature (no forcing, loud, or extroverted expectations here, folks!) But....If you are an extrovert that's OK too but just know that I work in an introverted more sensitive way. (I am an Introvert who is super sensitive).

✨ Build resilience with dedicated work and a willingness to take action because this is not a quick fix or magic pill. Healing is not linear and it takes time and the willingness to be vulnerable and imperfect.

✨ Create serene spaces for peaceful reflection essential "me time" – no pushing, forcing, or burning yourself out because that is like pouring gas on a fire. It's time for relaxation and healing. (fluffy pillows, cozy blankets and serene spaces encouraged).

✨ Rejuvenation and healing require relaxation so learn to tune into peace by pausing, going within, and learning to let go.

✨ Navigate overwhelm, fear, and confusion with the guidance of simple therapeutic yoga practices – like a wise old friend helping you find your center amidst the chaos and everday happenings of life and doing human things.

✨ Connect with a tribe of like-minded souls who get your introverted and/or sensitive quirks (and love them).

What's Included

Virtual Monthly Private Session

  • 4 Private Sessions are custom-designed for you to meet your needs.
  • Sessions are Virtual Calls unless you would prefer a phone call.
  • Sevaral days and times available to choose from.
  • Open Office Hours for texting, emailing and messaging.

Group Classes & Community

  • Live Group Meditations, Guided Relaxations, & Yoga Nidras for Deep Rest.
  • Plus a Private Group to connect with other like minded women, share, be seen, be heard, feel supported, have accountability, feel loved and feel safe with other women like you.

Video's and Audios on Demand 24/7

  • On Demand 24-7 access to Meditations, Guided Relaxations, Yoga Nidras
  • Weekly "Playwork" Assignments. (Short doable assignments to help you start shifting. It's Homework but more fun so I call it play).
  • 4 Private Sessions during 3 Month Program (Last Session is after program to check-in)
  • Open Office Hours of messaging and texting
  • Group Yoga Nidra & Guided Relaxation Classes TBD (Recordings will be available after class).
  • Short Pre-recorded Course with Group Interactions & Personal Assistance (Easy short manageable sessions with Playwork).
  • Online Private Community
  • Videos & Audios on Demand 24/7 Access

But hurry, spaces are limited to 6 spots for this exclusive beta launch!

By joining now, you not only secure your spot in the program but also enjoy special discounts only to the earliest participants.

Your feedback and insights will help shape the future of this course and program, ensuring it continues to meet the evolving needs of introverted sensitive souls like you.

Begin Your Journey

"Blissitude Yoga: Nurturing Inner Harmony" Embrace a Life of Renewed Energy, More Peace, and Empowered Well-Being by awakening your Inner Sanctuary.

Discover that peace is not a destination; it's a state of being that emerges as you let go and embrace the sacredness of all experiences. The journey is a gradual unfolding, a process of reconnecting and rejuvenating within.

Shape the Future of the Course: As a beta participant, your feedback and insights will contribute to shaping the future of the program, ensuring it caters precisely to the needs of introverted sensitive souls like you.

Beta Intro Program

Normally $500-1000/month




Pay-in-full $1111 USD

Starts in August

  • 4 Private Sessions during 3 Month Program (Last Session is after program to check-in)
  • Open Office Hours of messaging and texting
  • Group Yoga Nidra & Guided Relaxation Classes TBD (Recordings will be available after class).
  • Short Pre-recorded Course with Group Interactions & Personal Assistance (Easy short manageable sessions with Playwork).
  • Online Private Community
  • Videos & Audios on Demand 24/7 Access

Are you ready to nurture more inner harmony and to be able to find more ease amidst life's fluctuations? Join me on this transformative journey and experience the beauty of gradual transformation.

Limited Spaces Available – Reserve Your Spot Today!


Yoga taught me to love my imperfectly perfect Self and that is one of the many reasons I love this yoga and love sharing it.

Nancy Nurmi

Blissitude Yoga Owner, Therapeutic Yoga Practitioner

I signed up for private sessions with Nancy, and it was an awesome experience. Nancy was very attentive and listened to my needs, but she also advised the best steps for me to meet my goals. I can tell a huge difference from when I first started to now. I can't wait to attend more of her yoga sessions soon!



"After going to the sessions I feel not just more relaxed, but in tune with myself. It's amazing how you can lose yourself and not even realize it until you are back again!
Nancy brings empathy, experience, and the know how you need to the sessions."



Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course suitable for beginners or individuals with limited experience in self-care practices, yoga, or meditation?

Absolutely! This course is designed to cater to individuals of all experience levels. There is no need to know how to do yoga, yogic practices or meditation before attending this program. Nancy a Therapeutic Yoga Practitioner will guide you through the material and provide necessary support, making it accessible and beneficial for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.

What kind of support can I expect throughout the course?

I am committed to your success and well-being. Throughout the program, you'll receive support from me. You'll have access to group discussions, where you can share your insights and receive guidance. Additionally, your monthly private session will provide personalized support and guidance tailored to your specific needs. These sessions will be a Virtual call unless a phone call is more comfortable for you. I am here to ensure you have a transformative and fulfilling experience that nurtures you and allows you to feel comfortable & safe.

What if I'm unable to attend live sessions due to time zone or scheduling conflicts?

I understand that everyone's schedule is unique. All live sessions will be recorded and made available for you to access at your convenience. While attending live sessions is encouraged for an interactive experience, you'll have the flexibility to engage with the course content and community based on your time zone and schedule.


Beta Discounted Price

Starts in August

Pay Monthly


/ month

Please note this is a 3-month commitment

  • 4 Private Sessions during 3 Month Program (Last Session is after program to check-in)
  • Open Office Hours of messaging and texting
  • Group Yoga Nidra & Guided Relaxation Classes TBD (Recordings will be available after class).
  • Short Pre-recorded Course with Group Interactions & Personal Assistance (Easy short manageable sessions with Playwork).
  • Online Private Community
  • Videos & Audios on Demand 24/7 Access



/ for Program

Please note this is a 3-month commitment

  • 4 Private Sessions during 3 Month Program (Last Session is after program to check-in)
  • Open Office Hours of messaging and texting
  • Group Yoga Nidra & Guided Relaxation Classes TBD (Recordings will be available after class).
  • Short Pre-recorded Course with Group Interactions & Personal Assistance (Easy short manageable sessions with Playwork).
  • Online Private Community
  • Videos & Audios on Demand 24/7 Access

Your Email Address:

Payment details:

